Presente de subjuntivo


Conjugation I (hablar):


Conjugation II (vender):


Conjugation III (vivir):


The forms above are for regular verbs.

Presente de subjuntivo - irregular verbs

If a given verb has an irregular 1 person presente de indicativo, similar changes also occur in presente de subjuntivo. Several verbs form the subjuntivo mode completely irregularly. They are: ser (sea), haber (haya), ir (vaya), saber (sepa), dar (dé), estar (esté).
In turn, these verbs have irregular 1st person presente de indicativo and presente de subjuntivo: tener (tenga), venir (venga), hacer (haga), decir (diga), salir (salga), valer (valga), poner (ponga), caer (caiga), traer (traiga), oír (oiga), asir (asga), caber (quepa).

Presente de subjuntivo of the verb ser:

singular plural < / td>
1 sea seamos
2 seas seáis
3 sea sean

Presente de subjuntivo of the verb tener:

singular plural < / td>
1 tenga tengamos
2 tengas tengáis
3 tenga tengan

Presente de subjuntivo - verbs with vowel change

Many verbs have vowel change, e.g. poder (be able to). Then it also applies to the form presente de subjuntivo. These exchanges are described here: ( Partially Irregular Verbs ). Rule: the change takes place in the same persons as in presente de indicative.
However, there are exceptions:
Verbs changing c to zc in the forms 1 of the person presente de indicativo change c to zc in all forms presente de subjuntivo (nacer, cocer, parecer, conocer). Likewise, the verbs na -uir change u to uy in all persons.
In turn, the verbs of the type dormir and sentir have a vowel change in the 1st and 2nd person plural presente de subjuntivo, although they do not have it in the 1st and 2nd person plural presente de indicativo. These include, inter alia:
dormir, morir (change o to u only in 1st and 2nd person plural presente de subjuntivo, o to ue in other persons subjuntivo)
sentir, mentir, digerir, advertir (change e to and only in the 1st and 2nd person plural presente de subjuntivo, e to ie in other persons subjuntivo)

Presente de subjuntivo of the verb poder (change in the same persons as indicative):

singular plural < / td>
1 pueda podamos
2 puedas podáis
3 pueda puedan

Presente de subjuntivo of the verb parecer (with c: zc replacement)

singular plural < / td>
1 parezca parezcamos
2 parezcas parezcáis
3 parezca parezcan

Presente de subjuntivo of the verb dormir (replacement by: ue: u):

singular plural < / td>
1 duerma durmamos
2 duermas durmáis
3 duerma duerman

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