Nouns ending in a vowel form the plural by adding -s: caballo - caballos, pantalla - pantallas, clase - clases.
Nouns ending in consonants, -y, and stressed vowels -í, -ú, sometimes also -á form a plural by adding -es: buey - bueyes, poder - poderes, jabalí - jabalíes.
The final -z becomes -ces: pez - peces, nuez - nueces, vez - veces, voz - voces.
The final -c changes into -ques, and -g changes into -gues: zigzag - zigzagues.
In the plural, polysyllable nouns ending in -s and unstressed on the last syllable do not change: crisis - crisis, but: mes - meses, país - países.
The plural stressed syllable does not change, so for the words -s and -n the graphic accent may change according to the spelling rules (
the stress ) : jardín - jardines, origen - orígenes, inglés - ingleses.
If a vowel has a graphic accent before -s, -n, the accent disappears in plural (inglés - ingleses, francés - franceses). A particularly large group of such nouns are nouns ending in -ón: conversación - conversaciones, camarón - camarones, sillón - sillones.
The situation is sometimes quite complicated for compound nouns, but most often they follow the same rules as non-compound nouns.
Plural of nouns - exercises.
Put a noun with an article in plural.