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Most common Spanish words - part 4.

The most frequent Spanish words - part 4:

el punto = point
la noche = night
el agua = water
la situación = situation
el ejemplo = example (por ejemplo)
el acuerdo = agreement (de acuerdo = agreed)
la hora = hour
la ley = law
la tarde = afternoon
la guerra = war
el desarrollo = development
el proceso = process
la realidad = reality
el sentido = sense
el lado = side
el cambio = change, exchange
la mano = hand
el número = number
la sociedad = society
el centro = center
el padre = father
la gente = people
la relación = relation, relationship
el cuerpo = body

Article : unas (some, in plural feminine)

ello = it
usted = you
nadie = nobody
mí = me

tu = your
cualquier = any
bajo = low (bajo de = under)
posible = possible
importante = important
santo = saint (shortened form : san)
final = final
Forms of known adjectives: grandes, nuestra

tarde = late
aún = still, yet
allí = here
fuera = outside

fuera = outside

parecer = to seem (parece = he/she/it seems)
sentir = to feel
Verb forms:
from haber : haber, había (had, form of imperfecto)
from hacer: hizo (he did / made, form of pretérito indefinido)
from ser: fuera (he was, form of imperfecto de subjuntivo), eran (they were, form of imperfecto)