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Most common Spanish words - part 2.

The most frequent Spanish words - part 2. If you learn them, you should understand 50% words in a text. Of course, it's far from knowing the language, but it's already the half of the text !

la vez = time (una vez – one time, dos veces – two times)
la parte = part
el tiempo = time, weather
la vida = life
el gobierno = government
el día = day
el país = country
noun in the 1st part : año

Pronouns: qué = what (que means that, the difference is the graphical accent)
yo = I
él = he (el is an article)
ella = she
nos = us (form of the object : ella nos ve - she sees us)
mismo = same, himself (el mismo = the same)
te = you (object : ella te ve - she sees you)
tanto = so much
pronouns in the 1st part: se, lo, le, me, todo (and todos, plural)

uno = one tres = three
numerals : uno, dos, tres

durante = during
según = according to
prepositions in the 1st part: de, en, a, por, con, para, sin, sobre, entre, hasta, desde (and forms del, al)

porque = because
ni = neither, nor
donde = where
aunque = though
e = and (variant of y before a word beginning with i- or hi-: Juan e Irena , Juan y María)
conjunctions in the 1st part: que , y , como, o, pero, cuando

Possessive and demonstrative adjectives:
ese = that
in the 1st part : su (plural sus), mi, este / esta / esto

cada = each , every
otro = other (its plural and feminine forms : otros, otra)
grande = large, big (its shortened form : gran)

sólo = only
así = so
bien = well
ahora = now
después = later (después de means after)
tan = so
siempre = always
menos = less
además = besides, moreover
sí = yes (si without the accent means so and if)
in the 1st part : más, si , ya , también, muy

Articles in the 1st part: el, la, lo, las, los, un, una

New verbs:
poder = can , to be able to (puede = can)
tener = to have (tiene = has)
hacer = to do, to make (hace = does, makes)
decir = to say (dijo = he/she said, it's a past form)
And in the end, let's remind the form está = is, of estar

More verbal forms of ser, haber, estar belong to the most frequent words, and are very irregular. Let's know most frequent forms.
Verb ser : es = is (la casa es grande - the house is big)
ser = to be (la casa puede ser grande)
son = (they) are (las casas son grandes))
two past forms, meaning "was" - but different past tenses:
fue = was (form of pretérito indefinido)
era = was (form of imperfecto)
sido = been (past participle)

Verb haber (forming perfect tenses):
hay = another form of haber, it means there is , there are (hay un gobierno en el país - there is a government in the country)
ha = has (la casa ha sido grande = the house has been big)
han = (they) have (las casas han sido grandes)
había = had (la casa había sido grande = the house had been big)