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Most common Latin words, most frequent words in Latin - part 6

Most common words in Latin - part 6

carmen = song
bene = well
olim = at that time, once
novus = new (nova)
alter = another, other
velut = even as, as
mecum = with me (me + cum)
melius = better
male = badly
quia = because
nil = nothing
ter = three times
semel = one time
neu = and not, or not
o = oh
praeter = (with acc.) past, by, beyond
fugere = escape (fugit)
iuvare = help (iuvat)
petere = ask, beg (petit)
fatus = having spoken (verb : fari)
metus = fear
cur = why
membrum = member (membra)
versus = towards
iuventus = youth
age = well now, very well
praemium = profit, prize (praemia)
malus = bad (mala)
malum = evil (mala)
aer = air (aër) (aere)
aes = bronze (aës) (aere)
usus = use
usus = used
mater = mother (matres)
sacer = saint, holy (sacra)
acer = sharp, keen, eager
plus = more
decus = honor, pride, grace
vestigium = trace (vestigia)
vita = life (vitae, vitam)
laetus = merry
durus = hard (dura)
mens = mind
ira = anger
postquam = after
ruere = hurry, fail (ruit)
levis = light
dives = rich
licere = be allowed (licet)
licet = although
potius = rather
ars = art (arte)
verbum = word (verba)
vinum = wine (vina)
comes = companion
ni = not, unless
turba = crowd
heu = oh, alas
ventus = wind (ventis)
iussus = ordered (iussa, verb : iubere)
maximus = largest (maxima)
adeo = so much, to such an extent
auctor = author
nemus = grove, pasture
imago = image
regina = queen
aetas = age
numen = divinity, divine power (numine)
nefas = ill deed
campus = field
visus = seen (visa)
visum = vision
amicus = friend (amicum)
pax = peace (pace)
equidem = truly, indeed
ceterus = other, rest (cetera)
fas = divine law, what is proper
melior = better
diu = long
donec = until
iste = that (ista)

Proper names : Apollo, Maecenas

Specific forms : tulit (perfectum of ferre), fit (perfectum of fieri, become), es (you are), illud (from ille), aliud
Forms : erit, possit, pede, dat, amor, agros, illis, ferunt, pueri, oris, mille, voces (vox), laborem, illo, longo, loca, partibus, terris, terras, tenet, petit, partibus, sint (esse), fluminis, vi, primus, fertur, montis, ignis, magnam, coeperunt, medios, facto, populo, magni, vidit (perfectum of videre), ignes, copia, portas, duo, domos, luce, misit, vitae, vitam, quaeque, labores, altera, fieri, montibus, clamor, multa, curas, fugae, longa, suas, undas, tenebat, Romanorum, castrorum, aequore, videt, portis, equitibus, factum, portis, equitibus, alia, alios, tectis, labore, regem, manum, totum, duas, mentem, virtutis, ipsis, illa, castra, castris, ista, meum, meae, mei, meam, meo, tuo, tui, tuae, tuum, tuam, certa

most common Latin words - part 5